V4 & Rotary Nationals, Saturday January 24th 2015, ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane, Auckland, Orion XTRPRO122D’s pull 151.6db!! Soon after the arrival of the XTRPRO122D Subwoofers Andrew set his sights on a new goal 🙂 Time to give Orion a go. So with that in hand now to pick an amplifier to suit. The XTR3700.1 was the preferred option and looking back was a great choice. Now, Andrew had always had great success with his box design so it made sense to stay with what had worked in the past and again taking the safe road travelled. See below photo of the...
Where to start with such an amazing day… Well, I guess at the start is as good a place as any. Rocking up at the ASB Showgrounds just on 7:30am I expected to sit and relax a while awaiting others arrival…. That wasn’t to be, there were already others there, and for once we were allowed into our competing area early to allow setup to happen much earlier also. Setup went through very smoothly (after many years of doing this Ashley has it down to a fine art and coordinated everyone with surgical precision). With the competitor list restricted...
It’s not everyday that I get to open a box with $7000 Floor Standing Speakers in it, let alone listen to them so when the Klipsch RF-7 II turned up I had to get them unpacked and setup ready to be run in. I’ll start off saying that photo’s do not do the RF-7 II’s justice, the finish on the cherry veneer is just perfection and this is coming from a person that has to have ALL my home audio in black. Weighing in at just under 40 kg’s each they feel and look quite sturdy and standing next to...
Today we were very lucky to hear the OPPO PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphones for the first time and even before opening the box I was very impressed! Usually when a set of Headphones arrive they are in a box just big enough to carry the items, however this was not the case with the PM-1’s. The box the OPPO PM-1’s arrived in was mammoth in comparison with other Headphones we see day-in and day-out, so mammoth that I could sit a small subwoofer in it! Once we had we opened the shipping packaging I was yet again surprised with another box...